FAFSA – complete and submit $275

  • We take complete responsibility for submitting the FAFSA form so that it is completed correctly and on time, increasing your eligibility for financial aid.
  • $200 for each additional FAFSA for other children (i.e. $475 for 2 FAFSA’s)

CSS Profile + FAFSA – complete and submit$175 additional

  • We fill out and submit the entire CSS Profile form 
  • In addition to the FAFSA for a total fee of $450
  • $125 for each additional CSS Profile for other children (i.e. $775 for 2 FAFSA’s & 2 CSS Profiles)

Noncustodial CSS Profile Form + CSS Profile + FAFSA – complete and submit$125 additional

  • We fill out and submit the entire noncustodial CSS Profile
  • In addition to the CSS Profile and FAFSA for a total cost of $575

Your Complete Coaching Experience$2,955

  • Initial retainer of $795
    $60 per month, for 36 months, for a total of $2,955 over the time period
  • This total fee covers ALL of your children – you may be done paying prior to all of your children graduating
  • Help in appealing financial aid awards
  • Develop comprehensive financial plan to cover the college costs in the most tax-efficient manner
  • Help in directing your children to the colleges that will provide the maximum amount of merit/need-based scholarships
    Your personal consultant to help with anything having to do with paying for your children’s’ college educations

We guarantee to perform the following required services on time and accurately as a part of our complete coaching experience

College Search

We are able to show you each college’s breakdown of how much they cost to attend, an estimated merit scholarship ACF-Merit-Offers-2018-19 your student will receive based on their grades/test scores, as well as an estimated amount of need-based grants they can expect to receive based on your financial situation. This information is crucial in deciding which colleges fit your personal financial situation.

Calculate your EFC (Expected Family Contribution) and relate it to potential colleges for your student(s)

We will review your financial picture and put it through our computer software to determine your EFC and how that relates to your potential colleges.

If applicable, we will make recommendations to reduce your EFC

After determining your EFC we will make recommendations to reduce your EFC to increase your opportunity for financial aid and need-based grants.

Analyze your financial situation

We will do an overall analysis of your specific situation, this enables us to know what to suggest to you to help cover the burden of putting your children through college.

Make recommendations to pay for your EFC or overall college cost burden on a tax favored basis

No matter how much need-based grants or merit scholarships your student receives, there is still going to be some money that you are going to have to pay out of your own pocket for your children’s college education. We help you figure out the best way to pay for that portion of the college education with the least amount of disruption in your current monthly cash-flow.

Make recommendations on how to reduce your monthly cash-flow

During the college years, cash-flow is king. We work to help our clients create the optimum cash-flow while their children are in college through debt restructuring and a number of other strategies.

Complete and submit the CSS Profile form

We will complete and submit the CSS Profile form if required by the college.

Make recommendations of colleges that will provide merit scholarships

Similar to our ‘college search’ we help our clients identify colleges that will provide their students merit scholarships, regardless of their financial situation, and based on the student’s grades and test scores.

Complete and submit the FAFSA and apply for all necessary FAFSA pin numbers

We will complete and submit the FAFSA for each year your student is in college.

Complete and submit the CSS Profile form

We will complete and submit the CSS Profile form if required by the college.

Fill out any institutional financial aid forms required by specific colleges

We will complete and submit any institutional financial aid forms that are required by specific colleges to complete the financial aid application process.

Remind you of important financial aid deadlines

Make you aware of all financial aid deadlines that are required by the colleges that your student is applying too.

Review all financial aid awards for fairness

Once you start to receive your financial aid award letters, we will review them for you to make sure they look accurate.

Coaching on appealing a financial aid award letter

We will help you ‘behind the scenes’ in order to best present your case to the college in order to maximize your ability to receive additional grants/scholarships over and above the college’s first financial aid offer letter.

Provide complete customer service

We will provide complete help in going through this tough and confusing financial aid process every year, for each of your children. It is our goal to be your consultant through the entire process so that you are guaranteed to have not spent any more money than absolutely necessary to put your children through college